According to a Tea Party Group leader who spoke with Senator Jim Demint yesterday, The Senator's office is suspicious of the statements being put out by the Reid/Pelosi closed door negotiations on health care.
Publicly they are putting the word out that there is great disagreement in their ranks and it may not be until February when a bill is ready. It could well be misdirection to keep the public from going crazy and taking action believing that there is plenty of time to stop this bill. We need to get the call out to everyone we know to not get complacent. We need to flood DC with calls and faxes to STOP the secret meetings and hold them only in front of C-SPAN camera and demand they STOP this bill, START OVER with real reform.
They know we are concentrating on getting Scott Brown elected in the special Massachusetts election. While we are distracted they may very well be closer than they are leading us to believe on a compromise.
This bill will give the government unprecedented control over our health care system and destroy the greatest health care system in the world as we know it.
Barack Obama is meeting behind closed doors with Pelosi and Reid this morning. We must keep fighting. Don't let them mislead you. Pass the word. We need to get busy.
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