One Nation Under God

One Nation Under God

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Breaking: Controversial Democratic Rep Alan Grayson One Ups Olympia Snowe?

Political Satire:

In an direct slam at Sarah Palin,the ankle biting AP today lauded Republican RINO traitor, Olympia Snowe, as being the "real maverick in this party" for crossing party lines and voting with the Democrats. The AP never misses a chance to attack Sarah Palin. But I digress.

Not to be outdone, the loud mouth, attention seeking Florida Democratic Representative, Alan Grayson, who was recently in the news for his controversial statement accusing Republicans of wanting people to "die" has seen the light. Hmmm.....Talk about crossing party lines! Bawahahhahah!!!!

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AP......This One Is For You
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I wonder what Bill Maher has to say about this when he interviews the traitor later this week on his show's finale. Stay tuned! Wink Wink. You betcha!

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