One Nation Under God

One Nation Under God

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Texas Rep Lloyd Dogget: Tea Party Movement Is A Weak Brew Of The Healh Care Insurance Companies

Addressing the House Floor last night in the battle over Health Care Reform and The Republican's Health Care Plan, Texas Rep, Lloyd Dogget called The Tea Party Movement "A weak brew manufactured by the health insurance companies. Yes, that's right. Once again the Democrats attacked millions of Americans across the nation who came out by the thousands across town halls across America, the 912 March in September, Tea Parties across the nation and the tens of thousands who showed up this past Thursday at the DC House Call.

This is what the Democratic leadership in Washington thinks of hard working citizens who dared to stand up against, Nationalized Health Care, Government Bail Outs, Trillion dollar deficits and the bankruptcy of our Country through more and more government spending.

They have ignored us. They have ridiculed us. Now they continue to attack us. Enough! They must be held accountable. Let Dogget and his radical cronies in Washington know exactly how you feel. He and Pelosi may not be listening but they seem to have forgotten that their Health Care Pelosi bill only squeaked by a vote of 20-15 with a lone GOP sell out. It sounds to me like our "weak brew" made a difference and it's not looking good for them in the senate. Continuing to attack Tea Party Patriots across the nation is nothing but political suicide. 2010 is coming fast upon them!

Contact Lloyd Dogget
Washington DC 20515 • Phone: 202-225-4865

Lloyd Dogget Town Hall. He did not listen to the people:

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